RebZ, villikisi með meiru :o)

Of mikið af húsverkum valda heilaskaða....

föstudagur, febrúar 21, 2003

Á mar að trúa á svona??? Fariði inn á þetta og pantiði spá. Kannski þið fáið það sama og ég :o)

Dear Rebekka,

You are about to find some EXTREMELY IMPORTANT information in my letter.

As I settled down in my office to study the details you gave me, I had an unreal revelation about you.

Right away I felt like taking care of you personally and what I could see immediately moved me:

SOME POSITIVE EVENTS exceptionally important are going to transform your life in the next few weeks. Right away, I started an important and thorough study and I can already tell you about my first findings. Here are briefly the most important dates that I wrote down for you:

On day Tuesday, February 25, 2003 expect to receive excellent news regarding friendship and sentiments,

On day Thursday, February 27, 2003 an exceptional opportunity will come you way (you must take it)

On day Friday, March 07, 2003 you could receive a big amount of money that you were not expecting (do not miss it!)

On day Thursday, March 13, 2003 you could make an encounter that could lead to a friendship.

On day Wednesday, March 19, 2003 you will be lucky again with money matters.

You are probably surprised to know that the next few weeks should be good for you but this does not surprise me.

For these reasons, I want to warn you now so that you can be ready to enjoy in the best conditions the good things that these unexpected Events will bring you.

This will be for you, Rebekka, a great opportunity to make a new start in your life. No doubt this will be a delicate step in your life. But if you succeed, you will at last enjoy the life of your dreams, a great life. This will be the life you have probably been dreaming of for a long time, the well deserved life of your dreams.

Yes, Rebekka, in a few days (11 exactly) things will suddenly change for you as if you were about to start from scratch. You will be able to completely change your whole life.

I know you have entered a delicate and very important time in your life but thanks to those decisive events that I foresee, you will be able to go from a life that does not really suit you to a wonderful life in which Money, Good Luck and Love will fulfill all your wishes.

Since I have clearly seen this, I have started a thorough and important study for you. I would like to show it to you quickly in order to help you be ready to receive all the good things that those extraordinary events will bring you.

You will be able to learn what your new life will be if you are prepared to listen to me, and if you decide to follow the advice in this important chart.

Yes, Rebekka, I see your life changing radically in the coming days! But be careful! I caution you to beware at this difficult stage in your life if you want to make an easy transition into the good life of your dreams. You could also end up badly at this decisive stage. You run the risk of continuing your life until the end of your days without having changed anything whatsoever.

Ever since I have practiced my craft, I have noted that it is often very difficult to navigate a storm such as the one you are about to go through. Therefore be forewarned! I already know that life has not always been easy for you. This is why I am offering you my help, speedy assistance, complete and easy.

I care enough about you to offer my help as I know that you are not prepared to face this crucial stage in your life alone, facing adversity head on, without real help. You know that at this moment you are vulnerable and fragile. It would be difficult for you to win the battle alone, when these exceptional events present themselves. Your receptive intuition, your energy potential, your good common sense, all the things that make you a unique individuals, will not be enough. Your own abilities are not receptive to the important vibrations surrounding these incredible events from which you stand to gain.

Without specific external aid, I do not think you will be able to navigate this crucial passage in your life. Without the right kind of help, formidable road blocks will present themselves… As well, since you have put up with these unlucky negative influences during the past months your natural abilities have been seriously diminished. You no longer possess all of your positive life force to attract GOOD LUCK, PROSPERITY AND SUCCESS.

This wicked negative radiation you were exposed to has weakened your forces and reduced all your potential for luck, love and money.

However, when these beneficial events do occur in your life, you should be prepared for them if you truly want to step into the amazing universe your near future has in store for you...

What would happen if you failed to overcome this major turning point? The first thing that could happen to you is that you may never see these exceptional beneficial events coming and you may lack the power to use their wonderful influence. You would then be plunged into a long negative period in your life, without the hope of coming back.

You whole life would then go from bad to worse, and you would find no strength or courage within yourself to stand up to your difficulties.

I don’t want to frighten or intimidate you, but what would become of your life if you didn’t have the wisdom to make the right decision today? I will only say that I think it may be very dangerous for your future not to do everything it takes to replenish your potential and thus multiply your potential for Luck, Happiness and Money.

You must know, Rebekka, that destiny has decided to make a difficult choice today.

It will quickly reward those who are ready to embrace every opportunity offered by life and who have made the decision to overcome this astonishing turning point. These people will receive everything they deserve from life.

On the other hand, to the others there will be nothing but loneliness, desolation and grief, for they didn’t want to or were unable to seize the unhoped-for chances that were offered to them.

Rest assured, Rebekka, I want and I can help you, because I truly want you to take full advantage of these fabulous opportunities that are being offered to you. I truly want you to be among those people who are about to be rewarded and who are going to exploit destiny’s gifts in the years to come. This is why I decided to lay it all out before you, startling as it is.

But I also happen to be close to you at the right moment, so I can give you a hand in overcoming this delicate point in your life.

I also happen to be the best person to guide you and protect you so that these important events will affect your life as smoothly as possible. They will represent for you the beginning of a new life, a wonderful life full of Joy, Luck, Love , HAPPINESS and Money!


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